Sunday, September 7, 2008

Friday, September 5, 2008

Satisfying day today. We first went for a 10:10 appointment with a pulmonary doctor that finally happened at 12:00. We really liked him, for he was clear and direct and showed us the situation on the computer and explained exactly what he is going to do on Monday in a Broncoscopy that is guided by ultrasound. I had a Broncoscopy in ABQ, but this is a large step ahead of the one I had there. This is the final test to determine if there can be Surgery. There are 2 sets of 2 Lymph nodes that appear to be inflamed or slightly enlarged on the latest CT Scan. Two of them are on the right side of the chest away from the lung with the mass. There will be a biopsy of all 4. If the two on the right side turn out to be malignant there will be no surgery. If they are benign, and the 2 on the side with the lung are malignant, they will shrink those with chemo and then do the operation. So, we are pretty pumped about the whole thing. Hard not to be even though the odds are slightly against it. I still say that even if we come back and do chemo/radiation there in ABQ, I will be forever glad that we came to MDA to get a second opinion and to know that we gave it the very best try that we could. I asked the pulmonary doctor if I could get along well with 1 1/2 lungs if I have the operation. “Absolutely” was his reply, and the same answer when I told him that we live at 6000’. So, that was a big relief.

Then we went to the anesthesiologist to have a talk with him about Monday morning when I have the Broncoscopy. Nice jovial fellow that came into the room and shook hands with Carol and said," you must be Stanley Hall." She said yes, and then he shook hands with me and said the same thing and then asked me the name of my Daughter!!

The results of the Broncoscopy will be known on Wednesday just in time for our meeting with the Surgeon. He will say yes or no to the operation. Keep fingers, toes, and eyes crossed. We are looking forward to the weekend and sleeping in both days. - Stan


Rochelle Barlow said...

I'm so happy that you have made this blog! It is the perfect answer to wanting to know what's going on, but not wanting to hound grandpapa and grandmama constantly! We love you so much! It was so wonderful to see you at Uncle Kenneth's house the other week!

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