Friday, January 22, 2010

We know it’s been a while . . .

With our last update – nine months ago – you read about Daddy getting some surgery on his back.  I’ll sort of pick up there. The surgery to repair the fracture in one place was great for a very short time and then caused another fracture – so the cure is to leave it alone and not do any more vertebrae surgery!  Osteoporosis runs in the family and then the chemo/radiation just exacerbated the condition. With some pain medicine, Daddy is able to control it. He just has to be very careful not to lean over bathtubs to scrub and the backs of car seats to grab stuff – and things of that nature!

Daddy and Mama came back to Houston a couple of times for tests and consultations with the doctors. With the end of September visit, there was some fluid discovered on his right lung. He was advised to go back to Albuquerque and have it drained. Daddy also had a carotid artery ablated and because of some erratic heart activity – he had a pacemaker put in at the end of September. No more whizzing through security at the airports – that’s for sure.

Now for some fun news – in October three of their four kids and spouses if possible – were able to take Mama and Daddy on a houseboat adventure out on Lake Powell. Lake Powell has a very long history in our family. We first went there in the summer of 1970. It was love at first sight. In subsequent years Mama and Daddy bought boats, houseboats, jet skis, different boats, different other boats . . . you get the picture! So this was a real dream trip.

I’ve included just a few of the thousands of pictures taken by everyone combined – to show you how great the trip was.

Piloting us out of the marina and into the wilderness!

Daddy coming up to the top of the houseboat for a look around.

The houseboat in a really ugly setting!!!

Daddy pulling Kathryn one more time while she skis!!!!!

Mama and Daddy enjoying one of our evenings at the lake.

Daddy - bringing the ski boat back to the houseboat!!!  Just like falling off a horse.

After the trip, Daddy had his right and then left lung drained. The results came back great with no malignancy showing up in the fluid.

Mama and Daddy are in Houston right now. Their last appointment is this coming Monday, January 25th. On the 12th Daddy had all the tests run that they normally come for and then on the 13th met with Dr. Blumenschein, his oncologist. Daddy had just recently – probably around the 9th or so, been having more trouble breathing. The night of the 12th, he ended up going to the emergency room – with no relief provided – because he could not get enough air. This is with him using oxygen most of the time. It turns out that both of his lungs had filled up again. Dr. B wanted Daddy to get a “Denver” catheter put in by a pulmonologist. So the appointment was set for Tuesday, January 19th. Dr. Jimenez was very thorough and took a detailed history from Daddy. He ended up declining to do the catheter because his opinion at that time was that the fluid is due to congestive heart failure. That can be treated with medicine, and so the catheter may not be necessary. Tuesday Dr. Jimenez took x-rays and then did an ultrasound guided thoracentesis (drain the fluid) on the left side. Then the next day Dr. Jimenez did the right side. He had the results tested and his opinion is that the fluid is related to congestive heart failure.

Thursday, January 21st, Daddy had the PET/CT scan again for his lungs and then today he had an echocardiogram and resting EKG. They have an appointment with a cardiologist on Monday to find out the results of the tests today and to determine a plan for treatment.

I believe that the results of the PET/CT scan will be talked about over the phone once Mama and Daddy get back to Albuquerque. They will be going home on Wednesday! 

Other than being very tired from a longer than expected trip – both Mama and Daddy are in really good spirits. We got to celebrate Mama’s birthday here in Houston and that was so much fun and an unexpected treat.

As a family we thank you for your continued and ongoing prayers. We know that they make a difference and so very much appreciate your love and concern.

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