Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Yesterday was a Monday and it really was one! First we had to get up very early and leave the house early in order to get to MDA by 8:00 am. HA! Houston traffic. Got there at 9:00 due to traffic!! Sat in a room with +/- 200 people to get blood drawn for a pro time for I had to be off the Coumadin and have normal blood for them to do the procedure. I got lucky and the blood was drawn and they only had to wait about 10 minutes to start the procedure.

Some of you may remember us describing the room that this same procedure was done in in ABQ. There it was a rather small room like an afterthought, and they wheeled me into it in a bed that they had to shove equipment aside and move many things around in order to get me in there. There was barely room at the head of my bed for the doctor to stand!! Very impressive, but NOT in a good way. AT MDA yesterday I thought I had walked into a STAR WARS stage!!! Big double 42" Monitors on a giant arm that swung out from the far wall and over everything so that they could be positioned in the exact position that the doctor wanted. Ultra sound transmitters and receivers that come out of the ceiling and are maneuvered by a joystick controlled by the 2nd doctor.

Before starting, I was covered by a clear plastic-like blanket with 2" square "bubbles" in it. To which was attached a hose that pumped in warm air to keep me warm. Then covered with a regular blanket and belted in! I wondered when we were going to take off! Didn't take long to wonder however as the Anesthesiologist said "I'm starting the anesthesia now." and I was gone. Almost surreal that they can control a person like that.

A little over an hour later I was awakened and I was really coughing and agitated with a somewhat sore throat. About 30 minutes of that and Carol and Laura came in. I remember the doctor telling us that they got good samples from all four questionable lymph nodes. A short time later I was in a wheelchair and unceremoniously wheeled out. I was starving as no food or drink since about 10 the night before and it was now about 1:30 p.m. Carol stopped at a Sonic on the way home and I got a Cheese sandwich and a chocolate milkshake. Home to sleep about 3 hours.

We now wait for Wednesday afternoon or Thursday morn to get the results of the biopsies. These determine if they can do an operation on me or not. - Stan


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you crossed the border from Old Mexico and not New Mexico, right into a Woody Allen movie set. I'm picturing you wrapped in bubble wrap! And boy do I love the way they can put a person to sleep these days! Best sleep I ever get anymore. Bet that cheese sandwich and shake tasted pretty darned good too! Love, Kathryn

lenda said...