The Dr. was verrrry pleased with the way I look and stated that I do not appear as if I have received treatment. However, he says that I now will receive two Chemo treatments 3 weeks apart. I asked him if we could start that day because we have plane reservations back to Albuquerque today. "OH Yes, I forgot you are from New Mexico. Would you like to take the Chemo there at home?? " Wow, would we prefer that!! So, within a matter of minutes he had arranged with the doctor here at home to give me the Chemo on two occasions. The first will be December 16. and the second dose will be probably JAN 6. Then we will go back to Houston on Jan 27 for a PET SCAN and meet with the Dr. the next day for the results. PET Scan can tell the Dr. if there is Cancer anywhere, and thus how well they have or have not done with the treatments.
The Chemo doses that I will get are 3 times as large as the ones I got in Houston during the Radiation/Chemo treatments. The ones I got there did a number on my stamina and made me sick at my stomach. Guess we will see what the much larger dose will do!!!
We are thrilled that we can do this here At MD Anderson-Albuquerque because it will be much easier logistically for we only live about 5 miles fro MDA here. Also, We really like the Woman Oncologist we have here. MDA Houston has been sending her all the reports on me thru my whole treatment. She is the one that told us we were doing the right thing when we went to Houston for the Proton treatments.
Thats the current news from here and we wanted to share it with you. - Stan